Tzumi Muraya is a private healing center where traditional medicine and shamanism is practiced and promoted
‘Tzumi Muraya’ is an ancestral name, written in the dialect of the Cocama indians of the Amazon rainforest and represent the curanderos (medicinemen) who had reached a certain level of knowledge.`Tzumi Muraya´ can be translated best as´Soul of the Grandfather Medicineman´.
At our center we focus mainly on the traditional uses of medicinal plants and trees that are found in the Peruvian Amazon. Through the gatherings with visitors and the curanderos we work with, we keep the ancestral traditions alive that we consider of great value and a good way to grow towards a healthier world in all apects.
Our private center is located in the Peruvian Amazon, about 1 hour from Iquitos City where our traditional plant diets and healing ceremonies are scheduled on indicated dates and with different curanderos.
Several treatments, plant diets and healing ceremonies are offered in our malocca (traditional ceremony house) which are guided by kind and knowledgeable curanderos who we succesfully worked with during several years.